Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Watch: Israel Free Spirit Returns to Israel
May 28, 2021
By i24 News
The Tightrope of Turmoil & Redemption – A Voice...
On Monday afternoon, while working in my home office in Ramat Beit Shemesh, a siren roared. My gut reaction was: “I think this is a warning siren.” I immediately went downstairs...
May 13, 2021
By Scott Shulman
The Torah of Yerushalayim
Did Klal Yisrael embrace Torah or was it foisted upon us? Are we G-d’s people because of our enthusiastic embrace of that mission, na’aseh v’nishmah,ַ or because G-d held the mountain...
May 6, 2021
By Rabbi Moshe Hauer
The Special Significance of Yerushalayim
Yerushalyim is the center of the universe, the focus of our national consciousness. The entire city is sacred, and at its center is the most sacred place on Earth, the Beit...
May 6, 2021
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
How Can You Help Solve the Tuition Crisis?
The “tuition crisis.” It’s a well-worn phrase in every Modern Orthodox household with school-age children. It’s a regular topic in the pages of this newspaper, and in a 2017 survey of...
Apr 29, 2021
By Steven Starr
Watch: Nachal Charedi Yom HaZikaron Ceremony
Apr 15, 2021
By OU Staff
Yom HaAtzmaut: Redemptive Moments During the Past Year
In life, before we move forward, we must take inventory. It is true in the business world just as it is true in many areas of life. Without examining and taking...
Apr 15, 2021
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
73+1 Reasons Why I Love Israel
Yes, there are imitations, but here is the original Jerusalem Post 17th straight year of new “Reasons I love Israel,” even though 2020 was a year of challenges. In no particular...
Apr 15, 2021
By Barbara Sofer
Yom HaZikaron: “A Personal or National Day of Remembering...
Video provided courtesy of World Mizrachi – explore more here
Apr 13, 2021
By OU Staff
40 Teens From 22 U.S. Cities and Vienna Join...
Nearly 40 teens from across the United States met virtually to receive training focused on becoming ambassadors for making Jewish communal life more inclusive for individuals with disabilities. The Orthodox Union’s...
Feb 25, 2021

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