Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Three Keys to Being Happy
When the Founding Fathers included the pursuit of happiness as an American right and entitlement, it is almost as if they conceded that happiness can be pursued, but it is unlikely...
Nov 17, 2021
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Remembering Aaron Feuerstein z”l, the Mensch of Malden Mills
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet – Blessed is the true Judge” seems almost superfluous when acts of stunning charity, seismic humanity and sublime kiddush Hashem were someone’s legacy. How can Hashem not favorably...
Nov 5, 2021
By Zev Steinberg
Moments of Inspiration: The Orthodox Union’s India COVID Campaign
Olam Together provides a look back at the Orthodox Union’s campaign for India.
Nov 4, 2021
By OU Staff
Moshe and Modern Technology
Did Moshe know everything, including science and technology? Was he capable of building spaceships and nuclear missiles? Among Torah scholars, there seem to be two answers to those questions. We find...
Nov 4, 2021
By Rabbi Gil Student
Why We Went to New Orleans
The Jewish People have many needs.  Locally, we have numerous schools and organizations that need funding, elderly people who rely on our help for a safety net and, unfortunately, no shortage...
Oct 7, 2021
By Rabbi Philip Moskowitz
NCSY’s Ben Zakkai Honor Society Presents Its 2021 Candidate...
The Ben Zakkai Honor Society raises critical funds to provide direct scholarships for NCSYers to continue their Jewish education after high school, or to participate in various NCSY programs, For over...
Aug 12, 2021
By OU Staff
Alarmed by Congress’ Reaction to Gaza Conflict, OU Brings...
The Orthodox Union is setting up meetings between members of Congress and Orthodox Jewish constituents who are alarmed by antisemitic incidents since last month’s Israel-Gaza conflict, and by what they see...
Jun 21, 2021
We Must Rise Up to the Obstacles Before Us
Read Orthodox Union Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer’s op-ed -published in the latest edition of the Jerusalem Report
Jun 10, 2021
By Rabbi Moshe Hauer
It’s a Jewish Responsibility to Help India at Its...
The people of this country are blessed. The unprecedented speed of development and deployment of the vaccine for COVID-19 has brought us to a place where with G-d’s continued help and...
Jun 10, 2021
By Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Not Even Remotely Close: It’s Time to Return to...
Like every other aspect of society, we in the religious community are grappling with the challenges of reopening. Yet while debates rage about complete, partial, or no return to the physical...
Jun 3, 2021
By Rabbi Moshe Hauer

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