Be the Light in the Darkness
This Chanukah, the Jewish people need to focus even more on being the light in the darkness. We have just endured so much suffering and heartache. How can we illuminate the...
Dec 7, 2023
By Adina Soclof
Closing the Door: A Pandemic Chanukah Gift
This Chanukah we must learn to celebrate the gift of a closed door. Yeshayahu (26:20) said: “Go my people, come into your chambers and close your door behind you, hide for...
Dec 10, 2020
By Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Why Do We Eat Latkes and Sufganiyot on Chanukah?
Why do we eat latkes (potato pancakes) and sufganiyot (jelly donuts) on Chanukah? The common, short answer is because the holiday of Chanukah largely revolves around the miracle of the oil...
Dec 4, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

The Tooth Fairy-Chanukah Connection
Somehow, this time of year is reminding me of two conversations I had with my oldest when she was much younger. They might not seem to be connected, but I think...
Dec 3, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph

This Chanukah, Go “Screen Free for 30”
Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, known as the The Kedushas Levi, once walked into his Bait Medresh and saw a few of his students discussing something with a sense of yearning...
Nov 28, 2018
By Rabbi Eric Goldman

What is the Torah Approach to Fire Safety?
Responding to a question submitted to Jew in the City, Rabbi Jack Abramowitz tackles the issue of balancing the observance of mitzvot (particular ones that involve fire or heating up food)...
Nov 28, 2018
By OU Staff

Presence for Chanuka
It’s the conversation piece in every classroom: “So, what did you get for Chanuka?” Some families give large gifts, some give small ones, some give one gift for each night of...
Dec 14, 2017
By Ariela Davis

The Modern-Day Maccabbees: Relive Entebbe 1976
2016 represents the 40th anniversary of the Israel Defense Force’s miraculous rescue of over 100 hostages whose Paris bound Air France Airbus was hijacked by cruel terrorists. After their heroic return,...
Dec 22, 2016
By Rabbi Steven Weil

The Menorah That Defied the Nazis
If you’ve been active on social media this week, you might have seen this iconic photograph: a menorah stands on a windowsill while across the street Nazi flag hangs. Rare Historical...
Dec 10, 2015
By Batya Rosner

Slice of Life: Hanukkah
Hanukkah has been in the house for the past week and we’re winding down (dare I say overloaded) on all manner of latkes (kale and kumquat anyone) and stuffed sprinkled and...
Dec 9, 2015
By Eileen Goltz
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