Camp Maor’s Winter Performance Coming Soon to Bergen County
“Meorot”, a new performing arts program that provides Orthodox girls with an outlet for performing arts, will have its first performance on Sunday, March 3rd. The program began this past October...
Feb 14, 2019
By OU Staff

Join Us – Complimentary Two-Day CLE Seminar on President’s...
The Beth Din of America, together with the OU, YU’s Center of the Jewish Future, and the RCA, will be running a complimentary two day continuing legal education seminar this President’s...
Feb 6, 2019
By OU Staff

Victory for Bread-Lovers: Bimbo Bakeries USA Confirms Kosher...
Kosher consumers were concerned by the news last month that Bimbo Bakeries USA, the largest producer of bread in the United States, with product lines such as Arnold’s and Sara Lee,...
Jan 24, 2019
By OU Staff

Skiing Under Syrian Missles
Social media networks lit up this week with images of Israelis skiing down Mt. Hermon (we’ll talk about skiing while filming some other time) as Syrian-fired rockets were intercepted overhead by...
Jan 23, 2019
By OU Staff

Latest on the Kosher Status of Arnold’s, Entenmann’s
A great outcry emerged late last week upon the news that Bimbo Bakeries USA would be removing kosher certification from many of its breads and rolls. Confusion reigned as kosher consumers...
Dec 12, 2018
By OU Staff

On Mt. of Olives, Hundreds Mourn for Four-Day-Old Amiad...
Born two months premature after his mother was shot in a terror attack, four-day-old Amiyad Yisrael Hy”d died yesterday, after spending his brief life in the intensive care unit at Shaare...
Dec 12, 2018
By OU Staff

Sign the Petition: Return the Remains of Our Fallen...
In August of 2014, just after a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas had taken effect, Hamas terrorists murdered three IDF soldiers. The bodies of two of the soldiers, Lt. Hadar...
Dec 12, 2018
By OU Staff
A Pittsburgh Rebbetzin Reflects on This Week’s Tragedy
This Shabbos morning began like any other. My husband gave the littlest kids their breakfast so that I could get a few extra minutes of sleep. After he left for shul,...
Oct 31, 2018
By Anna Yolkut

The OU Impact Accelerator: Takeaways from Our New Beginning
At the OU Impact Accelerator, we are elated for our very own new beginning. On September 4th, we hosted the final selection night to decide on our inaugural OU Impact Accelerator...
Oct 18, 2018
By OU Staff

Student Population at NYC Jewish Schools Rivals Numbers at...
The number of students attending Jewish day schools and yeshivas in New York City is nearly as large as the entire New York City-based charter school population, according to the New...
Oct 9, 2018
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