Is Keeping Kosher Cool?
A pair of mainstream media pieces this week report on the growing percentage of “Millennial Jews” who are keeping kosher. NPR’s Morning Edition‘s report spoke to a 21-year-old woman who grew...
Oct 1, 2014
By OU Staff
Extra! Extra! New OU Publications Available for Viewing
You’ve got plenty of reading ahead of you this yom tov season with the latest editions of some of the Orthodox Union’s most-popular publications. Jewish Action and its supplements, including the...
Sep 11, 2014
By OU Staff
ASK OU 12 Internship Raises Bar for Excellence in...
On the opening day of ASK OU 12, Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer pondered the many ways of whey. As the OU Kosher Rabbinic Coordinator in the dairy industry, and Chairman of the...
Sep 8, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Steve Interviews Rabbi Dov Krakowski
Aug 1, 2014
By Stephen Savitsky
Quinoa is More Kosher than the Labor Practices that...
When Rabbi Shoshan Ghoori of the Orthodox Union first traveled to La Rinconada, Peru, the world’s highest city, the air was so thin that he needed an oxygen tank just to...
Apr 18, 2014
By OU Staff

Brooklyn Shochet is Cut Above the Rest
Tablet magazine has a fascinating write-up of Rabbi Moshe Yurman, a Brooklyn shochet who is one of the only three ritual knife-makers in America (and they’ve got a witty, if obvious title...
Feb 27, 2014
By OU Staff

Beyond Potatoes: Meet the Chief Rabbi of Idaho Falls
With just a passing glance, you might mistake him for a character on one of Comedy Central’s mock news shows, but take a second look. You really did just pass the...
Jan 16, 2014
By graberb

Interview with Rabbi Moshe Elefant; COO – OU Kosher
Steve and Rabbi Elefant discuss the finer points of Kosher certification for Pesach. Learn more about the Orthodox Union’s Kashruth division and how products become certified. Savitsky Talks is a weekly 20...
Jan 14, 2014
By Stephen Savitsky

The Day a Duck Came to the OU
Rabbi Chaim Loike talks about how we know which birds are kosher and birds you'd be surprised are kosher, including his famous duck.
Nov 7, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky

You Don’t Have to Be Jewish to Buy Kosher
Only 15 percent of kosher-buyers say they buy kosher food because of religious rules.
Jun 7, 2012
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
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