Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

An Addict in Our Home
An Addict in Our Home
From the pages of Jewish Action My 22-year-old son David is tall, handsome, bright and charming. He is also an alcoholic and a drug addict. David was brought up in our...
Aug 18, 2005
By Anonymous
Diary of a Professional Mother
Diary of a Professional Mother
From the pages of Jewish Action “Hashem made the trees, right?” asked my wide-eyed, not-yet three- year-old. “Yes,” I said. “And the sky and all of the animals?” “Yes, everything.” “Mommy,...
Aug 10, 2005
By Sara Malka Poupko Reichman
My Son, the Tank Driver
My Son, the Tank Driver
From the Pages of Jewish Action You wrote that Meir will soon be stationed in Aza. We could not find Aza on the map. We wonder if Aza is in Gaza. Is it? We...
Aug 4, 2005
By Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
Confessions of a Hollywood Marrano
Confessions of a Hollywood Marrano
From the pages of Jewish Action – Spring 2002 “I hear you have some special diet,” he said.Several years ago, I arrived on location for a film shoot in North Carolina. As I...
Jul 29, 2005
By By Brian Ross
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Plant (Part 2); Tales from the West Coast and Off the Coast
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the...
Sometimes we don’t know our life’s calling until it calls on us. That’s the way it happened for Rabbi Reuven Nathanson, OU Rabbinical Field Representative (RFR). Cleveland born, Rabbi Nathanson earned...
Jul 22, 2005
By Bayla Sheva Brenner
Part Psychologist, Part Activist – All Heart
Part Psychologist, Part Activist – All Heart
One could call Dr. Jeffrey Lichtman, National Director of the OU’s Yachad/National Jewish Council for Disabilities, a visionary; a man with a clear eye on the future. But as soon as...
Jul 8, 2005
By Bayla Sheva Brenner
Keeping Holy 9 to 5: The Spiritual Challenges of the Workplace
Keeping Holy 9 to 5: The Spiritual Challenges of...
Maintaining Values on the Job – No Matter What Wholly apart from the serious halachic (commanded) infractions not dealt with here, the work environment can adversely affect one’s values and attitudes. Some individuals relegate...
Jul 1, 2005
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz
Look Carefully: Lives at Work; And Working Wonders
Look Carefully: Lives at Work; And Working Wonders
Every day billions of people wake up, stumble to the bathroom, try to make out the face in the mirror, force a smile, and start another day. Once they reach their...
Jun 24, 2005
By Bayla Sheva Brenner
How Did a Reform Rabbi Become an Orthodox Jew?
How Did a Reform Rabbi Become an Orthodox Jew?
My journey from Reform to Orthodox Judaism has taken many unusual turns. Perhaps the most unusual is that, despite living in Jerusalem and Brooklyn, it was not until I arrived in...
Jun 17, 2005
By Michael Arsers
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Plant (Part 1)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the...
It’s early Monday morning in Any Town USA, UK, or ZA*. The birds sound their sweet welcome to the sun, school children hide under their covers, and an OU Rabbinic Field...
May 20, 2005
By Bayla Sheva Brenner

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