Mourning Terror in Israel and France
The recent attacks in Paris were ferocious. We join the world in mourning the loss of life and praying for their families as well as for the recovery of the injured....
Dec 2, 2015
By Rabbi Daniel Friedman

Passover Dinner Elegance
Add elegance without effort to your Passover Dinner. Plus a Passover Dinner in Minutes that won’t break your calorie or time bank.
Oct 20, 2015
By Linda Gassenheimer

Tips for an Easy Fun Purim Party
Purim is just around the corner, celebrity chef Michelle Bernstein sits down with Linda Gassenheimer to talk about planning your Purim menu in the Premier episode of Food Talk.
Oct 19, 2015
By Linda Gassenheimer

Filling But Not Fattening: Dishes for Pesach
Many of us think that because we can’t have bread, rice, pasta or grains on Pesach, we need to stuff ourselves with starchy side dishes. Why not try a healthier alternative?...
Oct 8, 2015
By Norene Gilletz
A Very Urban Sukkot
Sukkos – for many, it’s summer’s last hurrah. Being outdoors, hopefully in green, lush and warm (or not too cold) surroundings. A pleasant return to nature before autumn really kicks in....
Oct 2, 2015
By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer

Hint for a King
Here in the Old City of Jerusalem and probably in your own neighborhood, classes for the coming holidays are popping up everywhere. As the intensity of Elul is building, the talk...
Sep 22, 2015
By Renee Chernin

Oreo Cheesecake
This is far and away the best Shavuot recipe I have. It is very rich but if cheesecake is your once a year indulgence, this is the one to go all...
Sep 17, 2015
By Emuna Braverman, Gourmet Kosher Cooking

Is Everything Forgivable?
“No matter how many times I attempt to apologize, it will never be enough. There are simply no words available to sufficiently assuage the hurt that I caused among conversion candidates,...
Sep 16, 2015
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

The 8 Item Repentance Checklist
Can you check off these items? If not, which one will you strengthen? The purpose of this checklist is to focus your attention to areas you may want to improve....
Sep 16, 2015
By Yaakov Weiland

On Pesach we’re all looking for those new and different appetizers and entrees that aren’t the same old same old recycled bubbie-centric BORING ones we default to. To combat the unexciting...
Sep 16, 2015
By Eileen Goltz
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