Parshat Vayikra: Guilt Offerings
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Mar 25, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Vayakhel Pekudei – Motivated
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Mar 18, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Ki Tisa – Idolized
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Mar 12, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parashat Tetzaveh: The Right Thigh
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Mar 5, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Terumah: Where’s the Goat Hair?
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Feb 26, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Mishpatim: A Burdened Donkey
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Feb 19, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Yitro: A Day of Rest
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Feb 10, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Beshalach – Splitting the Sea
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Feb 5, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Bo: A Swarm
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Jan 28, 2009
By Chari Pere

Parshat Va’eira: Wild Beasts
Of Biblical Proportions is a fresh, new comic strip that depicts the weekly Torah portion with modern, humorous twists. The cartoon was conceived and created by NY-based freelance cartoonist Chari Pere....
Jan 22, 2009
By Chari Pere
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