Teaching Children With Learning Disabilities to Persevere
“For a righteous man can fall seven times and rise…” (Proverbs, 24:16) Teaching all kids to persevere and keep trying aids them in all areas of life. However, the ability to...
Oct 18, 2021
By Adina Soclof

The Answer to the Defiant Child’s Question: An Approach to...
“Blessed be G-d, Blessed be He; Blessed be the One who Gave the Torah to His people Israel, Blessed be He. Corresponding to four sons did the Torah speak; one wise,...
Mar 18, 2021
By Rabbi David Rabhan
Greedy? Entitled? Teaching Kids To Be Grateful This Chanukah
When my children were small and my parents would come visit, their suitcases was usually full of gifts. Embarrassingly, as soon as they walked in the door, my children would dutifully...
Dec 9, 2020
By Adina Soclof
Loving But Not Liking Your Child
The pandemic continues, far longer than we have imagined it. We are spending a lot of time with our families. A lot of togetherness can be hard. One mom wrote the...
Nov 12, 2020
By Adina Soclof
Talking to Kids About Money
Everyone is a little bit nervous about money these days and feeling the pinch. Budgets are being revamped and regular shopping habits are being curbed. If we are concerned, then it...
Sep 3, 2020
By Adina Soclof
More Tips on How to Stop Disrespect in its...
Adina Soclof’s series on teaching kids to be respectful continues: Catch up with parts I and II here.
Jun 18, 2020
By Adina Soclof
“My child wants”
Things must have shifted in society-at-large and my pediatric office is a small microcosm where a different phenomenon is emerging. Allow me to explain. Pediatricians are, for the most part, warm,...
Jan 8, 2020
By Hylton I. Lightman, MD, DCH (SA), FAAP

You Can Do It – Confident Parenting 101
“Yikes, Dr. Lightman. Chanukkah is coming. There’s a family get together. Yes, it’s fun but…my kids are not picture perfect. My extended family might see my children acting out. What’s a...
Dec 26, 2019
By Hylton I. Lightman, MD, DCH (SA), FAAP

The Attention Deficit Disorder That Everyone is Ignoring
Mom or dad is pushing the stroller down the bundle of joy inside the stroller. One hand of the parent pushes the stroller while the other hand holds a cell phone. ...
Sep 5, 2019
By Hylton I. Lightman, MD, DCH (SA), FAAP

C&C Family Edition: Priorities
Covenant & Conversation: Family Edition is a new and exciting initiative from The Office of Rabbi Sacks for 5779. Written as an accompaniment to Rabbi Sacks’ weekly Covenant & Conversation essay, the Family Edition is aimed...
Jul 30, 2019
By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
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