The World of Memories
My earliest childhood memory of the synagogue on Yom Kippur was being told to leave. “Go outside now and play,” my parents and grandparents instructed me. “Children aren’t allowed to be...
Sep 12, 2010
By Chasya Rachel

Every Day is Yom Kippur
When I’m on vacation, I do it all the way. Not only does my physical self go off-duty; my mind, too, takes off on a leave of absence I know not...
Sep 11, 2010
By Sarah Shapiro

Yom Kippur: Contradictions
At the beginning of every New Year, the halacha creates within us a schizophrenia of sorts. On the one hand, we are obliged to treat Rosh Hashana as Yom Tov replete...
Sep 11, 2010
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana

From the Desk of Rabbi Weil, Elul 5770
Have you ever wondered why Avraham was the first patriarch of the Jewish people? Probably not; the reason is so obvious. We have grown up hearing the stories of the young...
Sep 1, 2010
By Rabbi Steven Weil

The Nullity of Being; the Greatness of Being
A Meditation on Sin and Repentance At the core of man is duality. Some might suggest contradiction. Regardless of how it is characterized, man’s essential duality creates tension in his life....
Sep 24, 2009
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

Ha’azinu: Repentance for a Doubtful Sin
The Rema writes that a doubtful sin requires more thorough repentance than a certain one. The reason he gives is that a person tends to be feel less remorse over a...
Sep 24, 2009
By Asher Meir

Vayelech: Never Give Up!
It’s a scary familiar term – one that we invoke to assess the unexplainable and capture the unimaginable. The phrase? Hester Panim and it means that God hides His face from...
Sep 10, 2009
By Rabbi Asher Brander

You DO Have a Prayer
As we get ready for Yom Kippur, I have a question: What is Kol Nidrei all about? Why do we say Kol Nidrei on Yom Kippur? Or, more importantly, why is...
Sep 25, 2008
By Andrew J. Neff

All Good Fasts Must Come To An End
I can tell when the High Holidays are approaching, because I start getting those phone calls – from my family, my friends, my mother’s friends…even strangers! “Can I make the brisket...
Sep 25, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor

Break-the-Fast Meal Ideas
On Thursday, October 9th, when the sun sets and the first stars appear in the sky, Yom Kippur 2008/5769 will end. After fasting for over 24 hours and spending a day...
Sep 25, 2008
By Ronnie Fein
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