OU Israel Helps Organize Mass Prayer at the Kotel for Coronavirus Victims

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20 Feb 2020
Around the OU

Hundreds gathered at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Sunday to pray for those affected by the coronavirus outbreak and to halt the epidemic.

Worshipers recited prayers and Psalms, sang and even danced in a circle, asking God to help in the finding of a cure for the disease, in a ceremony promoted by Chief Rabbi of Safed and president of the Rabbinical Community Association Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu in partnership with the Israeli branch of the US Orthodox Union.

“Millions and millions of people are going through tremendous suffering in China and outside China,” Rabbi Avi Berman, executive director of the Israeli branch of the Orthodox Union, told The Jerusalem Post ahead of the ceremony. “As Jews, we believe that God has the power to send healing. We are not doctors, but we can pray.”

Continue reading at The Jerusalem Post

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