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Orthodox Union Study Program Comes to Phoenix

19 Dec 2019

“Great launch of @SCP_Learning at the Yeshiva in Phoenix this week, a packed house!” read a Nov. 1 tweet from Jeremy Rovinsky. “All kinds of observant Jews — Litvish, Chabad, Modern, Sefardi, Bucharian — coming together to master Hilchos Shabbos! #SCPrevolution.”

In November, Phoenix became one of 28 new locations for the Orthodox Union’s Semichas Chaver Program, an interactive halachah learning program for men that teaches practical lessons in Jewish law and ethics in six-month intervals.

Rovinsky, a Phoenix resident and the dean and general counsel for National Paralegal College,  was completing a two-and-a-half-year-long halachah program nine months before the #SCPrevolution. At the time, he found himself wondering, “What’s next?”

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