Not just what you Eat-It’s also how you eat!

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Healthy Plate
03 Jan 2017

Yisrael Meir came to see me a few weeks ago. He was being very compliant with a food plan given by a dietician but had stopped losing weight after initial success.  My staff dietician reviewed his plan and we determined together that he should have been losing.  So we began to probe and prod and found that he wasn’t really following the plan exactly and the reason was bad habits.  Yisrael Meir fit right into a certain category of people who eat healthy, think they are eating the right portions, but are slipping up.

Quite often, people call who inquire about my weight loss programs who insist that they eat controlled and healthy and they just can’t figure out why they can’t lose weight.  Sometimes, people who eat “healthy” don’t really know what healthy eating entails and we have to make corrections in their overall diet. Other times, they are truly eating healthy.  They have a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, they use only whole grains, and they stay for away from junk and highly processed foods.  Those people usually have a problem with portion distortion; meaning they are just eating too much, even though it is healthful food.  But the one way we overcome all of these problems is by learning how to eat.  How we eat includes the concepts of mindful eating but there are definite dos and don’ts while we are eating.   This will automatically help you eat less and eat more slowly for better digestion.

If you eat on your feet it is not food that you planned on eating.  When we sit down at the table, these are calories that we planned to eat and they are counted in our daily caloric intake.  Eating while standing up is a form of impulsive eating and should be avoided.  Every bite of food that you take has calories, and they all add up.  You might say that I only eat carrot or pepper sticks when I stand up, but that will likely turn into eating chocolate and cookies as time goes on. 

Besides eating while sitting, as we mentioned before, having the radio on or the newspaper in front of you can trigger emotions which will in turn trigger fast eating and consuming more food than what you might have eaten otherwise.  Make your mealtime a break from the news, from the phone (turn it off for 30 minutes, the world will NOT come to an end), and concentrate on your food.  This way, you will always end up eating less.  Research has also shown that people get a certain degree of satisfaction when chewing and swallowing food that you don’t get when you eat standing up and in a hurry. 

There are a few other small rules to implement that will help you eat well and lose weight. First, stay hydrated.  Start your day with 2 glasses of water and drink a glass or two before each meal and snack.  You should accumulate at least 10 cups of water throughout the day and if you are exercising, you will need more.  Also, in the summer months, it is always a good idea to have more.  Remember that water is the best choice, but herbal teas and seltzer water is also good.  Juices are generally high in calories.

Implement the 9 rule.  That rule is that every day; make sure to have at least 6 servings of vegetables (variety is important) and 3 servings of fruits. These are part of the staples of disease prevention and no matter what type of dietary plan you are on, this should be a staple.

Put your food on your plate.  Never eat food straight out of package or container.  For example, you might be on the go and buy a bag of nuts.  If I take out the 14 or 15 nuts I would normally eat and then close the bag and eat them, I have eaten my allotted portion.  If I just open the bag and start eating them one by one, I can easily consume twice as many or even more.  If I am repeating this behavior several times a day with various foods, I will end up eating far more calories than I should and weight gain will be inevitable.

We began to get Yisrael Meir to enact some of these behaviors and we began to eliminate to poor habits.  The same food plan and now much better results.  His weight began dropping again.   Learning how to eat mindfully and implementing the do’s and don’ts of eating is another way to “add hours to your day, days to your year, and years to your life.”   


Alan Freishtat is an A.C.E. CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER and a BEHAVIORAL CHANGE and WELLNESS COACH with over 19 years of professional experience. Alan is the creator and director of the “10 Weeks to Health” program for weight loss. He is available for private coaching sessions, consultations, assessments and personalized workout programs both in his office and by telephone and skype. Alan also lectures and gives seminars and workshops. He can be reached at 02-651-8502 or 050-555-7175, or by email at Check out the his web site – US Line: 516-568-5027.

The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.