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18 Sep 2015

Mangoes truly are a terrific source of vitamins A and C, beta carotene, and fiber. The flavor is sometimes described as a combination of the tanginess of pineapple and the sweetness of peaches. They are considered in season from April to September, but June and July seem to offer the sweetest fruit and the lowest prices.

Keep unripe mangoes at room temperature when you’re trying to ripen them, it can take up to a week but be warned, they will not ripen in the refrigerator, it’s too cold for them. Once it’s ripe a mango can keep in the refrigerator for about 10 days. Mangos and their friend the papaya is often a main ingredient in marinades and other such condiments because they contain an enzyme that helps break down the connective tissue in meat and poultry. Just make sure not to marinate any meet too long, they then to get mushy.

I’m sure you’ve heard horror stories about cutting and or peeling a mango but let me assure you it’s not difficult at all once you grasp the logistics of the pit and how to work around it. Sure you can peel it and cut away slices but if you’re looking to have uniform cubes there is a trick to slicing and dicing. First orient the mango so that you know where the pit is. There is a thick pit runs the length of the fruit between the two sides or “cheeks” of the mango. Cut through the mango, lengthwise on each side of the pit, as close to the pit as you can get. Without peeling the skin off the half, score the half (make a checkerboard), making sure not to cut through the skin on the outside. Gently push the skin of mango so that the checkerboard pops out and the skin is concave. Cut the squares from the side as close to the skin as you can.

Be warned, however, the mango, once tasted can be quite addictive. There is only one cure, more mangoes.

The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.