Video 995 articles

Haftorahman: Sukkot Day 2
Haftorahman: Sukkot Day 2
The Haftarah for the second day of Sukkot discusses the dedication of the first Beit HaMikdash which took place right before & during the holiday of Sukkot. Haftorahman brings you a...
Sep 30, 2012
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Haftorahman: Yom Kippur Morning
Haftorahman: Yom Kippur Morning
The Haftarah for Shacharit on Yom Kippur deals with the proper way to do Teshuva (repentance). Isaiah criticizes people who merely go through the motions – it’s not just about fasting. Haftorahman...
Sep 23, 2012
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Haftorahman: Yom Kippur Afternoon – The Book of Jonah
Haftorahman: Yom Kippur Afternoon – The Book of Jonah
The book of Yonah (Jonah) which we read at Mincha on Yom Kippur shows us that not only can’t we run from Hashem, but also that if you truly repent, even...
Sep 22, 2012
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Unexpected Visitors We Encounter in the Machzor
Unexpected Visitors We Encounter in the Machzor
Rabbi Weil discusses themes we encounter in the Machzor including the 13 Middos, Akeida, Yom Teruah, Eim Sisera, Zechariah, Rachel, Shofar Gadol, Chana, & the Seir HaMishtaleach, and how both the Living & the Dead...
Sep 21, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Haftorahman: Rosh HaShanah Day 2
Haftorahman: Rosh HaShanah Day 2
In Jeremiah Chapter 31 the prophet urges the Jews, who are going into exile to return to God so that He will show mercy on us on this day of judgement....
Sep 17, 2012
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Haftorahman: Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Haftorahman: Rosh Hashanah Day 1
The link between the Torah reading & Haftarah: Abraham, Sarah, Chana’s prayers are answered & they give birth. Like birth, Rosh HaShanah is a new beginning. Haftorahman brings you a shiur...
Sep 16, 2012
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Rosh HaShanah Mussaf: An Analysis of Zichronot
Rosh HaShanah Mussaf: An Analysis of Zichronot
God created us and gave us the assets we have.  The condition is that we “sacrifice”, by dedicating our abilities and talents to bettering this world and building a better tomorrow.
Sep 13, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Woe to the Children”
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Woe to the Children”
“Woe to the Children”: The kinot make almost little mention of the loss of the Bet HaMikdash. Most focus on 2 themes: Jewish suffering & desecration of God’s name (chillul Hashem). Recorded...
Aug 2, 2012
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Grappling With Destruction”
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Grappling With Destruction”
“Grappling With Destruction”: On Tisha B’Av we re-experience a funeral, the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash & other tragedies throughout Jewish history through the kinot & prophets. Rabbi Weil’s Kinot from...
Aug 2, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Two Infamous Medieval Disputations
Two Infamous Medieval Disputations
Presented by Rabbi Steven Weil as part of the World of Western Mediterranean Jewry Series.
Jul 24, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil

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