Sukkot: Exalted Entourage
Shiur provided courtesy of Naaleh.com. Summary by Channie Koplowitz Stein There is a well-known custom of inviting seven special guests, seven shepherds of our nation, into our sukkot, one on each...
Sep 9, 2016
By Shira Smiles

Introverted Inquirer
Among the different groups of four in the Haggadah we find the four sons. Each is different. One is wise, the second is wicked, the third is simple and the fourth...
Sep 9, 2016
By Shira Smiles

I Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow
Make the most out of the month before the high holidays. You can accomplish a lot in a month. All God asks of us is to be better today than we were...
Sep 8, 2016
By Harry Rothenberg

Tisha B’av Webcast 5776 – Rabbi Steven Weil
Mourning The Victims of Entebbe 40 Years later and the Holocaust victims of Lita 75 Years Later with Rabbi Weil from Boca Raton Synagogue (HD) In his intro to Kinot Rabbi...
Aug 14, 2016
By Rabbi Steven Weil

Tisha b’Av Kinot 5776: Rav Chaim Ilson
In his introduction Rav Ilson asks several questions: Tisha B’Av is a day of mourning yet the practices & halachot of Tisha B’Av seem to go against all the basic rules...
Aug 10, 2016
By Rav Chaim Ilson

Rav Mayer Twersky – Tisha B’Av 5776: Haftarot for...
The only thing Chazal mandate for the 3 weeks is the 3 haftarot; the aveilut customs are later additions. The essence of the 3 weeks then is the messages we get...
Aug 3, 2016
By Rabbi Mayer Twersky

A Tale of Two Women
To launch the new Koren-Sacks Shavuot machzor, Rabbi Sacks delivered a keynote shiur in London on 7 June 2016 to a packed room in Finchley United Synagogue. Rabbi Sacks talked about...
Jun 8, 2016
By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Inspired by the People
After the murder of Sarah Litman’s father and brother days before her wedding, she chose to marry after shiva – but this time, she invited the entire nation of Israel. In...
May 4, 2016
By Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider and Jeremy Goldscheider

¡En cada generacion nos tratan de destruir!
Apr 14, 2016
By Rabbi Israel Lashak

Megillat Esther Part 5: Shushan Purim & “Tomorrow”
Why did Esther request that Shushan Purim be unique and not for everyone? Why not make it a 2-day holiday? Why does she emphasize the “tomorrow”? For part 1 click here....
Mar 10, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
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