The Mitzvah of Hallel (Part 2)
Delivered at the OU Israel Center, 4 Iyar 5783 – April 25, 2023 with a digression on Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut Rabbi Breitowitz’s Tuesday Shiur is sponsored for the 2023 academic year...
Apr 27, 2023
By Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz

Inspired by the People
After the murder of Sarah Litman’s father and brother days before her wedding, she chose to marry after shiva – but this time, she invited the entire nation of Israel. In...
May 4, 2016
By Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider and Jeremy Goldscheider

His Name was Nachshon Wachsman
Remembrance Day, Israel, 9th May, 2000 Yom Hazikaron, Eretz Yisrael, 5 Iyar 5760 By Esther Wachsman A mother, who mobilized the world to save her son — an Israeli soldier kidnapped by...
May 28, 2014
By Esther Wachsman

And God Said, “I Am Sorry”
Every spring, a number of days of commemoration are observed. Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron, established by the government of Israel, are days in which we honor the memory of the...
Apr 29, 2014
By Rabbi Ari Kahn

65 Years of Independence
On April 11, 1944, a Jewish teenager hiding from the Nazis penned in her diary: “If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is...
Apr 16, 2013
By Peter J. Roskam

What Are We Thinking: Yom HaZikaron 2009
Memorial Day conjures up memories of long weekends, the beginning of summer vacation, family gatherings and seasonal sales. Yet since moving to Israel I have developed an appreciation for what I...
Apr 28, 2009
By Yonatan Ben-Natan

Yom HaZikaron: In Memory
Growing up in the United States, I never felt much emotion on either Memorial Day or Independence Day, which are marked more than a month apart. In Israel, Yom Hazikaron and...
May 1, 2008
By Yehoshua Halevi

From Ruin to Renewal
Sefirat HaOmer and the Four Days of Remembrance The period of time beginning the second night of Pesach and climaxing forty-nine full days later with the Festival of Shavuot can be...
Jun 26, 2006
By OU Staff

A Place to Sigh – Israel Memorial Day
I WENT TO A FUNERAL — a spring funeral — in the city of Jerusalem. An Israeli soldier was killed; a Jewish boy had died. Another name was added to a...
May 5, 2006
By Yaffa Ganz
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