A photographic cataloging
We are surrounded by brilliant flashes of color and the subtle softness of its many shades. Harry Chapin sang, “There are so many colors in the rainbow, So many colors in the morning sun, So many colors in the flower and I see every one.” As the world around us changes color, leaves turn from green to red, yellow, orange and brown, enjoy a glimpse of some other colors that surround us. And next week a tribute to fall foliage – so head out with your camera and send in your photos today!
Upcoming slideshows include Shapes, Funny Lines in Photographs (The Ironic, The Humorous and The Ridiculous), Firsts, Family Photo Albums: My Kids, My Grandchildren. Please send your photos, and photo story ideas, to halberstaml@ou.org
The words of this author reflect his/her own opinions and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Orthodox Union.