The Vilna Gaon and Levush Reveal the Two Dimensions...
To receive source sheets for any of Rabbi Glatstein’s shiurim, please email rabbiglatsteinsourcesheets@gmail.com Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Oct 9, 2020
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Hoshana Rabbah: The Hidden Holiday
The last day of Sukkos is the last chance to secure a good judgment for the upcoming year. Don’t miss the opportunity….
Oct 8, 2020
By Harry Rothenberg

The Last Day of Moshe Rabbeinu and the 13...
The Maharsha says Moshe really lived 121 years since his 120th year finished on the 6th of Adar and he passed away on the 7th. Why then does he say “I...
Oct 2, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Mysterious Shadows – Contemporary Responsibility
The Rama MiPano writes that Hashem atones our sins on the 486th hour of the year, the 6th hour of Hoshana Rabbah. Rav Shlomo Kluger writes that Hoshana Rabbah is greater...
Sep 30, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

The Seal, the Kvittel & the Arava: Understanding Hoshana...
What is the chasima on Hoshana Rabbah and how is it different than the chasima of Yom Kippur? Why is the sealing of Hoshana Rabbah at night? Why the arava?
Oct 11, 2017
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

Hoshana Rabbah: The Jew with No Frills – Part...
The proper attitude for doing for others is not “I have what to offer” but to do good because I want to do good. Whatever I have to offer is really...
Oct 13, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

Hoshana Rabbah: The Jew with No Frills – Part...
The Arba Minim (4 species) – the lulav, etrog, aravot, and hadasim – represent our ability to perform and accomplish. The 7 Noahide laws represent the other nations’ ability to perform and...
Oct 13, 2016
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer

Now available in this colorful, downloadable PDF Hoshanos are the prayers recited when the congregation forms a processional with lulav and esrog in hand. The name comes from the refrain of “hosha na,”...
Sep 29, 2014
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Beating the Aravot on Hoshana Rabba
On the last day of Sukkot, Hoshana Rabba, we beat a bundle of willow branches (actually one is enough) on the floor (SA OC 664:4). The source for this “beating” is...
Sep 28, 2012
By Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir

Making the Most of Your Hoshana Rabba Experience
Hoshana Rabba is the most misunderstood holiday, as it is shrouded in kabbalah/mysticism. On Hoshana Rabba we show Hashem we carry out his will even though we don’t always understand.
Sep 28, 2010
By Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi
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