Fast of Tisha B’Av 258 articles

Jewish Holidays

Tisha B’Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, not just because it is the day on with both temples were destroyed but also because many other tragedies have occurred on that day as well. We focus on these historical events as part of the kinot we say on Tisha B’Av night and during the day.

Tisha B’av: A Day of Mourning and Fasting
Tisha B’av: A Day of Mourning and Fasting
Tisha B’Av is a day of mourning (aveilut) but is also very much a fast day (ta’anit tzibur). How do these 2 motifs interact? A shiur based on insights from Rav Soloveitchik.
Jul 24, 2014
By Rav Chaim Ilson
Tisha B’Av: Personal Mourning & Communal Mourning
Tisha B’Av: Personal Mourning & Communal Mourning
Rav Ilson discusses individual/”new mourning” (for a relative) and communal/”old mourning” for historical events, such as Tisha B’Av. The challenge of Tisha B’Av is that we can’t truly mourn what we...
Jul 21, 2014
By Rav Chaim Ilson
Tisha B’av Kinot 5773: Rabbi Weinreb
Tisha B’av Kinot 5773: Rabbi Weinreb
In his introduction to Tisha B’Av Kinot, Rabbi Weinreb focuses on tzedakah & mishpat (righteousness & justice) as tools for recovery, tefillot for redemption.
May 20, 2014
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Tisha B’av Kinot 5773: Rabbi Weil
Tisha B’av Kinot 5773: Rabbi Weil
On Tisha B’Av we relive history we don’t merely recall it, similar to the Pesach Seder. Tisha B’Av is also a day of growth. Rabbi Weil focuses on the later kinot.
May 20, 2014
By Rabbi Steven Weil
The Tisha B’Av That Wasn’t There
The Tisha B’Av That Wasn’t There
It’s about time. Megillas Esther is all about time. It’s all over the entire sefer, the whole book is chock-full of times. Everywhere you look in the Megillah, there is another referent to time....
Mar 10, 2014
By Barry Yaffe
Tisha B’Av: History and Laws
Tisha B’Av: History and Laws
Tisha B’Av – The “ninth day” in the Jewish month of Av, which starts at sundown on the eighth day and concludes at sundown on the ninth day of Av. This...
Feb 13, 2014
By OU Staff
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Woe to the Children”
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Woe to the Children”
“Woe to the Children”: The kinot make almost little mention of the loss of the Bet HaMikdash. Most focus on 2 themes: Jewish suffering & desecration of God’s name (chillul Hashem). Recorded...
Aug 2, 2012
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Grappling With Destruction”
Tisha B’av Kinot 5772: “Grappling With Destruction”
“Grappling With Destruction”: On Tisha B’Av we re-experience a funeral, the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash & other tragedies throughout Jewish history through the kinot & prophets. Rabbi Weil’s Kinot from...
Aug 2, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
The 41st Kinah: 2 Infamous Medieval Debates & the Aftermath
The 41st Kinah: 2 Infamous Medieval Debates & the...
Rabbi Weil discusses 2 debates: one in Spain between Pablo Christiani and the Ramban and one in France which involved Louis IX and Nicholas Donin in 1240. The latter led to burning...
Jul 30, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil
Kinot 31 & 34: Homicide In The Mikdash
Kinot 31 & 34: Homicide In The Mikdash
The Tragic Consequence of Zechariah’s Murder (Kinos 31 and 34): Instead of trying to fix the problem (their sins) they killed the messenger (Zechariah). It remained unaddressed until Nevuzaradan came.
Jul 30, 2012
By Rabbi Steven Weil

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