Topics of the Day: Chanukah

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29 Nov 2018

In-Depth Shiurim on various Chanukah topics from Rabbi Elefant’s Daf Sugya Shiur:


Pirsumei Nissa – Part I
Listen as Rabbi Elefant explains in-depth the Mitzva of Pirsumei Nisa with many fascinating applications to the laws of Chanukah

Pirsumei Nissa – Part II
Rabbi Elefant continues with Part II of analyzing the Mitzva of Pirsumei Nisa with additional practical halachic applications

Woman Working When Chanukah Candles Are Lit
Enjoy an all encompassing lecture on this topic from the sources and reasons for this law as well as many practical applications

Electric Menoras
Why don’t we light electric menorahs? Could one light an electric Menorah where he can’t light with fire? Does one make a Bracha? All this and more discussed in this enlightening lecture.

Oil for the menorah
Why is olive oil the preferred choice? Can one use a combination of olive oil and wax candles? How about using jelled olive oil? This lecture will answer all these questions from the sources.


Talmud Bavli shiurim on Chanukah (Maseches Shabbos 21-23) by Rabbi Shalom Rosner and Rabbi Moshe Elefant:


Shabbos 21
by Rabbi Moshe Elefant in Daf Yomi

Shabbos 22
by Rabbi Moshe Elefant in Daf Yomi

Shabbos 23
by Rabbi Moshe Elefant in Daf Yomi

Shabbos 21
by Rabbi Rosner in Daf Yomi

Shabbos 22
by Rabbi Rosner in Daf Yomi

Shabbos 23
by Rabbi Rosner in Daf Yomi