Yom Kippur 218 articles

Jewish Holidays

Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year is also the happiest day of the year for on it all of our sins are forgiven. This fast day is spent davening and praying that G-d forgive all our sins. It marks the day that Moshe came down from Har Sinai with the Second Luchot and Hashem forgave the Jewish people for the sin of the Golden Calf

The High Priest’s Temple Service on Yom Kippur
The High Priest’s Temple Service on Yom Kippur
“And the Kohanim and the people standing in the Courtyard – when they would hear the glorious, awesome Name, the Ineffable one, emanating from the Kohen Gadol’s mouth, in holiness and...
Jun 29, 2006
By Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
The Special Prayers Recited on Yom Kippur
The Special Prayers Recited on Yom Kippur
Kol Nidrei On the eve of Yom Kippur while there is still daylight, Jews congregate all across the globe wearing white. They don their tallitot (prayer shawls) and Kol Nidrei is...
Jun 29, 2006
By Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
Full Text of U’Netaneh Tokef
Full Text of U’Netaneh Tokef
The Full Text (Scanned from the ArtScroll Rosh HaShanah Machzor) The following is the full translated text of the great prayer, “U’Netaneh Tokef,” attributed to Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, as related...
Jun 28, 2006
By OU Staff
U’Netaneh Tokef: Background and History
U’Netaneh Tokef: Background and History
“Let Us Tell How Utterly Holy This Day Is“ The Background The prayer entitled “U’Netaneh Tokef” is attributed to a Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, Germany, who lived about one thousand years ago....
Jun 28, 2006
By OU Staff
Yom Kippur: A Day to Become Close to God
Yom Kippur: A Day to Become Close to God
Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai said concerning a king, “Should he fine me, his penalty is not eternal” for I would be able to earn more money. “Should he imprison me, his...
Jun 22, 2006
By OU Staff
Rabbi Benjamin Yudin: Repetition of Viduy
Rabbi Benjamin Yudin: Repetition of Viduy
Yom Kippur contains within it not only restrictions, but the positive commandment of Teshuva. Rabbi Benjamin Yudin talks about why the viduy is repeated.
Oct 12, 2005
By Rabbi Benjamin Yudin
Reflections on Teshuva
Reflections on Teshuva
Rabbi Tzvi Flaum (Senior Rabbi, Congregation Knesset Israel, Far Rockaway, NY) visits Young Israel of Jamaica Estates to deliver an inspiring message of Teshuva, according to the Rav’s conceptual analysis.
Oct 11, 2005
By Rabbi Tzvi Flaum
The Special Relationship between Yom Kippur and Sukkot
The Special Relationship between Yom Kippur and Sukkot
Yom Kippur is about Serving Hashem out of fear while Sukkot is about serving Hashem out of love. The 2 themes aren’t contradictory; they complement each other.
Aug 19, 2005
By Rabbi Michael Rosenzweig

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