The Entire Story of Purim
The Entire Story of Purim- Purim centers around appreciating Hashem’s hand in the survival of the Jews of Shushan. Most of us know bits and pieces of the Purim story but...
Mar 9, 2006
By Charlie Harary
Purim: Eating, Drinking…how could this be a Holier Day...
Purim, Eating Drinking….Purim doesn’t seems like a holy day. We eat, drink and party. However, one of the holiest men of all time, the Arizal, claims that Purim is holier than...
Mar 9, 2006
By Charlie Harary
Esther: The Secret to Greatness
Esther: the Secret to Greatness – arguably the most significant character in the story of Purim was Esther. Who was Esther and what was her secret in rising from a quiet...
Mar 9, 2006
By Charlie Harary
An Economic Interpretation of Megillat Esther
The party at the beginning of the Megillah causes the king’s economic problems. This leads to the decree against the Jews & Esther’s plot to bring down Haman.
Aug 5, 2004
By Rabbi Hershel Billet
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