Tefillah Tips: Ashrei VIII
The next verse in King David’s great acrostic is הדר כבוד הודך ודברי נפלאתך אשיחה
May 20, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Shavuot Tips
We are now under a week away from the great holiday of Shavuot. Shavuot is arguably the most significant day on the calendar. As the great Rav Yosef of the Talmud...
May 15, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein

Haggadah Tips
As we sing and eat our way through the night there are plenty of customs and rituals to give definition and meaning to the evening(s). I would like to focus on one of...
Apr 11, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei VII
“דור לדור ישבח מעשיך וגבורתיך יגידו –From Generation to generation they will praise your works, and Your mighty acts they will relate.” From generation to generation is an often used phrase...
Apr 3, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei VI
“גדול ה’ ומהולל מאד, ולגדלתו אין חקר –Hashem is great and exceedingly praised; and His greatness is beyond our investigation.” This is the third verse in Psalm 145; it therefore begins...
Mar 27, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei V
“בכל יום אברכך, ואהללה שמך לעולם ועד – Every day I will acknowledge Your blessings; and I will praise Your name forever.” This is the second verse in the acrostic Psalm...
Mar 19, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei IV
The fourth segment of our review of Ashrei
Mar 12, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Ashrei III
“אשרי העם שככה לו, אשרי העם שה’ אלוקיו– Happy/fortunate is the nation for whom this is so, Fortunate is the nation that has Hashem as their G-d.” Interestingly this verse is...
Mar 6, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei II
“אשרי יושבי ביתיך עוד יהללוך סלה – Happy are those that dwell in Your house - they shall praise You forever.”
Feb 26, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
Tefillah Tips: Ashrei
The Talmud in Brachot 4B proclaims, “ Anyone who recites the Ashrei three times daily is destined to reside in עולם הבא –The World to Come. Ashrei is located twice in...
Feb 12, 2014
By Rabbi Ephraim Epstein
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