Latke Recipes for Chanukah
Consider the latke (Chanukah’s version of fast food). It is, in my opinion, the absolute best-est, most perfect, delicious use for the potatoes, better even, in some circumstances, than the French...
Nov 25, 2010
By swedarskym

The Enlightening Olive
Fruit ripens and then we eat it, right? Not always. The ripe olive is hard, bitter and inedible. The olives in the jar we bring home from the store have undergone...
Nov 25, 2010
By Renee Chernin

Dairy Recipes for Chanukah
One of the lesser know but no less important Chanukah traditions is to serve dairy products (think Shavuot with its long Cheesecake tradition) along with the over abundance of fried foods we...
Nov 25, 2010
By swedarskym

Pie Recipes
Tally ho! It’s pie season and the hunt is on for the best and tastiest and most mouthwatering concoctions your brain (and taste buds) can imagine. I just gotta say it’s...
Jun 17, 2010
By swedarskym

Sweet Potato Recipes
How many of us have stood in the canned vegetable aisle of the grocery store and asked ourselves the question “is a sweet potato the same thing as a yam and,...
Dec 30, 2009
By swedarskym

Something Sweet, Something Savory: Recipes for Rosh Hashanah
It has been revered since Biblical times as a symbol of fertility, good health and immortality. Celebrated by King Solomon in the Song of Songs, this tangy, many-seeded fruit with its...
Sep 10, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor

A Jumble of Holidays
There’s an old joke in the Jewish community: The High Holidays are always either early or late; they’re never on time! Well, this year they’re late (Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown...
Sep 10, 2008
By Ronnie Fein
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