The Mystical Meaning of Tu B’Shevat
Jan 21, 2019
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
The Manna, Tu b’Shvat and the 11-Step Process of...
Self Work, Self Development Avodat Hanefesh, self-development and refinement, have assumed a central place in our generation. Today there are an array of approaches to how one can best understand oneself,...
Jan 18, 2019
By Rabbi Reuven Sasson
Hands-on Terumot and Maasrot Workshop
Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Jan 10, 2019
By Rabbi Moshe Bloom
Praises of Eretz Yisrael in Tanach
Download the Mekorot Recorded at OU Israel’s L’Ayla Rosh Chodesh Women’s Event
Jan 9, 2019
By Rebbetzin Pearl Borow
What are We Celebrating on Tu B’Shevat?
In both the list of four new years and the four times a year when the world is judged trees feature prominently. The Torah prohibits cutting down fruit trees because man...
Jan 9, 2019
By Rabbi Reuven Taragin
The Unusual Ancient Tu B’shevat Custom of Worms Reveals...
In Worms, the custom on Tu B’Shevat was that yeshivot were closed. Why? How does the custom reveal the essence of the day? Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime
Jan 31, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Tu B’Shevat: Eating Fruits, Rectifying the Sin of the...
Tu B’Shevat is the time of year by which ]most of the rain has fallen. Why does that make it the new year for trees? The mishna (Rosh Hashana 1:1) calls...
Jan 30, 2018
By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein
Tu B’Shvat: The Tree as a Metaphor for Reality
Why is there a new year for trees? What is the connection between the word עץ (tree) and עצה (advice)? The connection to the 2 trees in Gan Eden – the...
Jan 26, 2018
By Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer
Of God and Goats: Tales of Faith and Farming
How farming and spirituality go hand in hand. Miriam Shechter, a Chabad farmer from Moshav Sdei Trumot shares how working the land made her realize how much we all really depend...
Jan 18, 2018
By OU Staff
Checking Dried Fruit for Insects: A Hands-On Overview and...
OU Kosher and OU Israel present this practical hands-on seminar on checking dried fruit for insect infestation that will prove useful on Tu b’Shevat and throughout the year. Recorded at OU...
Jan 18, 2018
By Rabbi Y. Dov Krakowski
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