The book… that became… a bride
The holiday of Simchat Torah is a holiday purely created by the Jewish people. It shows Judaism is a love story – the love of a people for a book –...
Oct 17, 2011
By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Haftorahman: Haftarah for Simchat Torah
The haftarah, the beginning of the book of Yehoshua, picks up the story where the Torah reading left off, with Moshe’s death & Yehoshua becoming the leader. Haftorahman brings you a...
Oct 17, 2011
By Reuben Ebrahimoff
Sukkot, Simchat Torah and “Zot HaTorah”
In one of the piyutim for Simchat Torah we refer to the Torah as “Zot HaTorah”. An exploration of what the phrase means based on the 2 places in the Torah where the...
Oct 4, 2010
By Rabbi Yosef Grossman
Understanding Yom Tov Sheni
Whether you’ll be traveling from chutz la’Aretz to Eretz Yisrael or visa versa, you’ll surely benefit from Rabbi Fried’s thoughtful review of the halachos that pertain to the second day of...
Sep 12, 2010
By Rabbi Fried
Simchat Torah: The Secret of Our Eternity
Jews live in calendar dialectics, oscillating between two Jewish New Years (Tishrei/Nissan) and two Judgment Days (Rosh HaShanah/Yom Kippur). Perhaps the greatest Jewish storyteller of all time, the Dubner Maggid, (Rabbi...
Sep 30, 2009
By Rabbi Asher Brander.
Celebrating Sukkot With Culinary Stars’ Favorites
Starry, starry nights, eating meals in the Sukkah with its leafy roof partly open to the star-studded sky, and enjoying a variety of vegetables and fruits from the final fall harvest...
Oct 6, 2008
By Norene Gilletz
High Holiday Baking
Cakes, cookies and breads that I bake for the Holidays, I bake only for the Holidays. Except for testing out recipes, that is. In this way, my High Holiday baked goods...
Sep 25, 2008
By Debby Segura
Simchat Torah: Why Dance Now?
Simchat Torah: Why Dance Now? – Why do we rejoice over the Torah at this holiday and not on Shavuot, the holiday seemingly more appropriate?
Oct 1, 2007
By Charlie Harary
About Work Restrictions
All Jewish holidays and observances, with the exception of some fasts, begin on the evening previous to the first day. Except as noted, all require special additional prayers and services are...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
Gratitude and Simchat Torah
Did the angels agree that Man should be given the Torah? Not at first, according to the Midrash. However, when they protested, G-d told Moshe to answer them. He said to...
Jun 29, 2006
By OU Staff
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