Mental Health

SPIRIT: How to Communicate with People who Have a Hearing Loss – Without Feeling Awkward
SPIRIT: How to Communicate with People who Have a...
With Yael Zelinger
Mar 22, 2022
By Yael Zelinger
SPIRIT: Ad D’lo Yada (Until one doesn’t know. . .) We Do know. . .Insights About Alcohol Use Throughout the Generations
SPIRIT: Ad D’lo Yada (Until one doesn’t know. ....
With Ruchama Bistritzky-Clapman, Founder/Executive Director, MASK (Mothers & Fathers Aligned Saving Kids) and Rabbi Dr. Benzion Twerski
Feb 1, 2022
By R Bistrizky-Clapman / B Twerski
SPIRIT: Xi Gong: Improving Mental and Physical Health III
SPIRIT: Xi Gong: Improving Mental and Physical Health III
With Naomi Baum, PhD
Dec 27, 2021
By Naomi Baum, PHD
SPIRIT: I’m There for You: Supporting Family and Friends through Grieving
SPIRIT: I’m There for You: Supporting Family and Friends...
With Reva Judas
Dec 21, 2021
By Reva Judas
SPIRIT: How Do I Know? Eliminating Stigma and Saving Lives
SPIRIT: How Do I Know? Eliminating Stigma and Saving Lives
With Lianne Forman, Executive Director of Communities Confronting Substance Use & Addiction, and Sharon Darack, Associate Director of Communities Confronting Substance Use & Addiction
Nov 23, 2021
By Lianne Forman and Sharon Darack
SPIRIT: Not the Time to be Silent: How to Advocate for Your Loved One or Yourself
SPIRIT: Not the Time to be Silent: How to...
Presented by Mimi Jankovits, National Director of Grassroots, OU Teach Coalition, and Maya Joyandeh, LMSW, New Jersey Field Director, OU Teach Coalition.
Nov 9, 2021
By Mimi Jankovits
SPIRIT: Because Everybody Belongs: Ensuring that Individuals With Special Needs are Included
SPIRIT: Because Everybody Belongs: Ensuring that Individuals With Special...
Presented by Amanda Levy, LCSW, Clinical Director of Yachad, Batya Jacob, Development Executive of Yachad, and Rabbi David Cohen, National Director of Community Engagement of Yachad.
Oct 19, 2021
By Batya Jacobs and Amanda Levy, LCSW
SPIRIT: Loneliness in a World of Hyperconnectivity
SPIRIT: Loneliness in a World of Hyperconnectivity
With Tammy Gilden.
Aug 3, 2021
By Tammy Gilden
SPIRIT: Life After COVID: Lessons from the Holocaust in Overcoming Adversity and Rebuilding after Trauma
SPIRIT: Life After COVID: Lessons from the Holocaust in...
With Bracha Rupp, LCSW
Jul 6, 2021
By Bracha Rupp, LCSW
SPIRIT: Grief-It’s Complicated
SPIRIT: Grief-It’s Complicated
With Faye Wilbur, LCSW
Jun 8, 2021
By Faye Wilbur, LCSW

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