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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (and Elsewhere!)

Tu b’Shevat is coming! And OU Holidays has the information you’ll need to get yourself in that Tu b’Shevat state of mind!

Need some general background information to get you started? Start with Tu b’Shevat – New Year for the Trees and Four Rosh Hashanahs.

Then, Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir, author of The Jewish Ethicist and Meaning in Mitzvot on OU Torah, discusses the connection between Tu b’Shvat and Shabbat Shira.

From Shabbat Shira, we move to Shira Smiles, popular lecturer on the parsha and the holidays, who tells us about Tu b’Shevat as Model for Our Lives.

Finally, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb – who has a popular weekly parsha series and is currently teaching tractate Keilim for the OU’s Mishna Yomit – tells us about Tu b’Shevat: Its Relevance for a Brooklyn Boy (from which this blog posts derives its name! Well, that and the 1943 novel by Betty Smith…).

Tu b’Shevat may not get the attention of some of its fellow holidays but that doesn’t doesn’t mean we can’t inform ourselves about this important day on the Jewish calendar. These and other entries on OU Holidays will whip you into arboreal shape in plenty of time to celebrate the day!