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Addiction and Bechira in the Jewish Community

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As readers are no doubt aware, this country is currently undergoing an opioid crisis. The Jewish community has largely come out of denial and is acknowledging that drug and alcohol addictions do exist in our communities, and steps are being taken to confront them. This is a reality that the OU has also addressed in numerous forums, including through articles in OU Life, OU Torah and the OU’s Jewish Action magazine. Now this topic will be addressed at the OU’s upcoming Torah New York event, to be held Sunday, April 29, indoors at Citi Field.

To regular followers of OU Torah, Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb needs no introduction. The Executive Vice President, Emeritus, of the Orthodox Union, Rabbi Weinreb pens a wildly popular column on the weekly Torah portion and contributes shiurim to such series as Nach Yomi, Shnayim Mikra and Mishna Yomit, as well as his highly anticipated annual Tisha b’Av webcast on OU Holidays.

What listeners, viewers and readers of Rabbi Weinreb’s copious Torah content may not realize is that in addition to his background in the rabbinate, Rabbi Weinreb also has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Maryland. He has served as a psychotherapist for mental health organizations for many years while also maintaining a private practice. His positions included roles as school psychologist for Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland and as Chief Psychologist of the Potomac Foundation for Mental Health.

Accordingly, Rabbi Weinreb is singularly qualified to address the topic of Addiction and Bechira: Halachic and Hashkafic Perspectives at Torah New York. There will be many timely and important topics discussed but if the pre-event buzz is any indicator, none hits closer to home than this. To learn more, join us Sunday, April 29, indoors at Citi Field.