Half-Hour Inspiration

Uplifting thoughtful daily insight with Rabbi Aaron Greenberg from OU-JLIC of Greater Toronto.

Daily Dvar

Lag BaOmer: Using Rashbi's Teaching to Fire Up Our Prayers - Featuring Rabbi Chaim Marcus

Live with Eli Schwebel!

Lag BaOmer Nodeh Lecha Gratitude Concert, with Divrei Chizuk from Rabbi Moshe Hauer

Tzurba Halacha

Rise like a lion, and start your day with some Halacha with Rabbi Aaron Greenberg from OU-JLIC of Greater Toronto.

SPIRIT: Understanding Dementia

On-Line 11 Broadway, NY, NY, United States

Understanding Dementia: Warning Signs and Caregiving Strategies  What is dementia? What is the difference between dementia and Alzhimer's? Common warning signs Tips for caregivers Taking care of yourself while caring […]

Calm Amid Corona

Riding the Rollercoaster: Managing Emotions and Uncertainty in Stressful Times - Featuring Rabbi Shalom Baum and Shira Kaufman Danzig, PhD

Escape the Zoom!

New York NCSY is running an amazing program, based on the nationwide “Escape the Room” phenomenon, where family and friends connect with interactive assignments, clues, and missions and collaborate to “Escape the Zoom.”

Bright Lights Shavous Night

Registration opens May 18th for pre-Shavous Masterclasses! Join NCSY & OU Educators for instruction and tips to learn with your family on Shavous at home this year. Space is limited.