Name* First Last Choose up to five Department Directors you'd like to meet with:* Avromie Adler - Yachad Yoni Cohen - Chief of Staff Nathan Diament - OU Advocacy Rabbi Moshe Elefant - Kashrus Tamar Frydman - Impact Accelerator Rabbi Micah Greenland - NCSY Miriam Greenman - IT Rabbi Ilan Haber - Chief Strategy Officer Dan Mitzner - Teach Coalition Rabbi Adir Posy - Synagogue Initiatives Rabbi Josh Ross - OU-JLIC Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz - CFO Rachel Sims - General Counsel Yael Tamari - Israel Free Spirit-Birthright Rabbi Simon Taylor - Community Projects & Partnerships Becca Zebovitz - Donor Services Please note that while you are able to choose up to 5 department directors, there will only be 4 meetings scheduled for each EC member due to time constraints. Are there any questions you'd like to share with the Department Directors in advance of your meeting?Any particular topics of interest to address?