Shavuot 5780: A Self-Guided Torah Study Experience

Contained on this page is a self-guided study packet containing 10 self-guided study projects for your congregants over Shavuot.

Each topic will offer a unique Torah study experience, with some of our authors offering more specific guidance, and other’s leaving the subject-matter more open to your congregants reflection and interpretation. The essential style, and structure submitted by each Rabbi has been maintained to offer a differentiated learning experience, and to celebrate the diversity of Limmud Torah styles in Batei Kanessiyot across the country.

Should you wish to receive these self-guided studies as word documents so you can include your Shul’s logo, and a personalized letter to your congregants, please contact Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer (, the compiler of the Shavuot 5780 Self-Guided Torah Study Experience.


The Orthodox Union’s Shavuot Self-Guided Torah Study Experience Cover Page


Out of This World: The Value of Higher Goals in Judaism

By Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Incoming Executive Vice President, Orthodox Union


Analysis of the Role of the Oral Torah

By Rabbi Elisha Friedman, Kesher Israel Congregation of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

This is a study-guide written in an essay form, analyzing the reasons behind the structure of Torah requiring an Oral law.


To Rebuke or Not to Rebuke: That is the Question

By Rabbi Jonathan Muskat, Young Israel of Oceanside, New York

An examination of when to give rebuke and when not to, this article is a combination of self-guided study through the sources, with an in depth conclusion.

What Happened at Sinai?

By Rabbi Hershel Becker, Young Israel of Kendall, Florida

Written in essay form, this study guide offers a number of different approaches to the events at Mt. Sinai.


A Brief discussion of Tikkun Leil Chatzot

By Rabbi Dovid Asher, Knesseth Beth Israel, Richmond, VA

This study guide presents the sources, and some major questions to consider further in light of the sources comments.


Why do we read Megillat Ruth on Shavuot?

By Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, Congregation Ohav Zedek, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Written in Essay form, this guide offers a fresh approach on this ancient story.


Measuring Success Jewishly

By Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Schiffman, Kingsway Jewish Center, New York

In analyzing ideas, this study guide offers varying perspectives on Jewish knowledge.


Re-examining Chavruta Learning in the Era of Social Distancing

by Rabbi Dovid Zirkind, Riverdale Jewish Center, New York

This study guide offers a fascinating approach on a number or ideas about Torah study.


Angels and Demons

By Rabbi Avi Heller, Orthodox Union, New Jersey

This study guide offers a unique understanding of humanity, through sources and guiding questions.


Why do we wave at the Shabbat Candles?

By Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer, Orthodox Union and Pikesville Jewish Congregation, Maryland

This study guide offers an array of Halachik sources to help shape an understanding to Shabbat candles.


Machshirei Ochel Nefesh

By Rabbi Nisan Andrews, Congregation Sons of Israel, Allentown Pennsylvania

This study guide offers an in depth analysis of a very pertinent Yom Tov subject.


View the entire OU’s Shavuot Study Guide packet here