Adopt a Shiva

Thank you for taking part in this important initiative.

Please fill out this form to be connected with two bereaved families in Israel and see below for details.


Together with partners in Israel, the OU is proud to launch our משפחה מנחמת, “Family Comfort” initiative together with our North American shuls and schools.

Our goal is to pair each Shul/School with two bereaved families, offering your community the opportunity to compose condolence letters for specific families you “adopt.”

Our hope is that the bereaved families in Israel will receive multitudes of Nichum Aveilim notes from communities across the world, showing them that they are not alone.  While many families may have already concluded the formal Shiva, their need for comfort and support now is still equally if not even more significant.

How it Works

One representative from your community fills out the form above.

Our staff will then share 2 families’ names with your community and unique links to upload condolence messages that will be printed and delivered with the help of our partners in Israel.