The limits imposed by the pandemic have drastically changed our interpersonal contacts, affecting our physical interactions outside the home communally and professionally, as well as with friends and family. These limitations have also created opportunities for more focused and meaningful interaction inside the home, and for more intentional relationships beyond the home.
This experience has highlighted the value of our relationships. We have become more aware of the hunger we feel for each other’s company and friendship, and we notice the joy experienced as we begin to come back together – even distanced and masked.
As we move forward, this enhanced appreciation for others – friends, family, colleagues, community – can serve as a force to strengthen all these critical relationships in our lives.
In 5781, let us resolve to treasure connection, community, and each other.
Read more on the topic in the Jewish Link article by OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer.
Please enjoy the following OU 5781 Yamim Noraim resources:
Chag at Home
In preparation-overdrive mode for the Yomim Noraim, Chag at Home will have plenty of learning material to choose from, including reading, developing conversations at the table, and kid-friendly, age-appropriate material as well. Just browse the site, add what you like and download one all-inclusive PDF. More content being added daily. Try it now.
Browse the materials and download your customized learning packet
Women’s Initiative Yemei Ratzon
Join us and register for the daily Tefillah audio series – daily 10 minutes shiurim on the Elul and Tishrei Tefillot. The Teshuvah video presenters include Rabbanit Shani Taragin, Mrs. Michal Horowitz, Professor Smadar Rosensweig, Rabbanit Rookie Billet and Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman.
Learn more and register
Torah Yerushalayim
Tuesday, Sept 22-Thursday, Sept 24
Prepare for Yom Kippur with three days of Inspiring shiurim featuring world-renowned Torah educators. HEar from over 40 speakers including Rav Asher Weiss, Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel, Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon, OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Rabbanit Shani Taragin and many others.
This program is dedicated in loving memory of David & Norma Fund Z”L by their children
View the list of speakers and register
Alone Together (Again!) Preparing for the Chagim
September 15, 11:00 AM EDT
Jews are experienced in facing adversity. The goal for this session is to learn to acknowledge and accept feelings, gain greater understanding of acceptance and resilience, review & learn options on how we face adversity, think creatively, and smile and feel more ready for the Yomim Noraim. Presented by: Faye Wilbur, LCSW-R, Director of Community Relations , Mishkon, The Jewish Board; Therapist in Private Practice Brooklyn, NY
Register for the event
A Little Bit Goes a Long Way – 10-Minute Talks to Prepare for Rosh Hashana
This Sunday, join Rabbi Efrem Goldberg (Senior Rabbi, Boca Raton Synagogue); Mrs. Slovie Jungreis-Wolff (Noted teacher, author and lecturer); Rav Judah Mischel (Mashpiah, NCSY & Executive Director, Camp HASC); Mrs. Sivan Rahav Meir (Shlicha, World Mizrachi; and Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb (Executive Vice President Emeritus, OU)
Watch here for brief, yet powerful, insight as we prepare for the High Holidays. |