There will be a Special Needs Family Day in Boca Raton on Sunday, February 14, as part of Yachad/National Jewish Council for Disabilities’ North American Inclusion Month (NAIM). It will be held at Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC).
Yachad/NJCD, an agency of the Orthodox Union now celebrating its 25th anniversary, is dedicated to enhancing life for those with disabilities. It has designated February 2010 as a month specifically to raise awareness and develop sensitivity of what it means for those who live with disabilities, and how to include them in the larger community. Presented along with the Special Needs Department of the Federation of South Palm Beach County, the program will feature speakers addressing topics such as legal and financial planning for special needs families; understanding and responding to your child’s sexuality; and dealing with unique issues as they pertain to siblings. A kosher lunch and resource fair on special needs programs in the community will also be provided for participants. There will be workshops for parents throughout the day and fun activities for their children.
Tzippy Rosen, Coordinator of South Florida Yachad, declared, “We hope to spread the message of inclusion and extending a welcome to those with special needs in regular activities in the Jewish community. While the event is taking place in Boca Raton, we hope that all of South Florida can make it to participate in this important event.”
For more information, contact Ms. Rosen at 561-364-1416 or