Yachad Hosts Sweet Sixteen Bowling Party, 2/28

12 Feb 2009

Yachad is getting the ball rolling as it marks its 16th annual benefit by hosting a “Swanky Sweet Sixteen” at the Lucky Strike Lanes and Lounge bowling alley at 624 West 42nd St. between 11th and 12th Avenues. The event will be held on Saturday, February 28 at 9:00 pm and is a major fundraiser to support Yachad programs. It will feature bowling, billiards, haute cuisine and cocktails in the lounge.

“Yachad,” the flagship program of the Orthodox Union’s National Jewish Council for Disabilities (NJCD), provides unique social, educational and recreational programs for individuals with learning, developmental and physical disabilities.

“This is our ‘Sweet Sixteen’ – and it’s an annual benefit that has become well-known and popular,” declared Yachad National Chairman Aaron Kinderlehrer. “Each year the theme and location change BUT the fun and benefit to Yachad stay the same. The event draws a large crowd of Yachad young leaders, who not only show their generositity in support of the program, but find themselves drawn even more deeply into their volunteer activities on behalf of Yachad members. No matter who wins the prizes, everyone is a winner here.”

The “Holy Rollers” or chairs of the event are Daniella and Steven Esses; Yitz Glass; Georgie Kleiman; and Michelle and Joel Orgel, all from Manhattan. The Holy Rollers lead a group of “Hosts of the Year,” who are also deeply involved in the

Georgie Kleiman declared, “Yachad is an amazing organization that runs inclusion programming that impacts thousands of individuals with special needs. The Sweet Sixteen event is a way to help educate young leaders about Yachad’s importance, while also giving participants a reason to celebrate.”

Yitz Glass, another Holy Roller, remarked, “I agreed to be involved in the Yachad fundraiser because I believe in the cause. When Yachad has an event or a Shabbaton, I feel that the community and the people involved are able to benefit from the Yachad member, perhaps even more than the Yachad member benefits.”

For more information and reservations contact Elaine Grossman at 212-613-8350 or grossmane@ou.org or sign up at www.ou.org/events.