Mr. Savitsky will meet with the community and deliver a series of talks throughout Shabbat.
He declared, “I’m looking forward to visiting this exciting community and hope to develop an even deeper relationship between the Portland Jewish community and the Orthodox Union.”
Rabbi Brodkin stated, “I am very excited about the upcoming visit of Mr. Stephen Savitsky to Congregation Kesser Israel. I have asked Mr. Savitsky to speak about a number of crucial issues, including the role that we can play locally in impacting the greater Jewish community. This is an opportunity for us to further develop our relationship with a very important institution in the Jewish world. Moreover, this is an opportunity to inspire our community here in Portland, and to convey with more clarity what it means to be part of a greater world Jewish community.”
On Shabbat morning, Mr. Savitsky will deliver a speech, “The Orthodox Union – Our Mission,” following Shacharit prayers. He will speak about his vision of the goals and purpose of the OU.
Following a community lunch, Mr. Savitsky will address “Issues of Jewish Concern in the Upcoming Elections,” in which he will outline and address a number of matters of particular concern to the Jewish community which should be kept in mind during the elections.
After mincha, Mr. Savtisky will speak at a community Seudat Shlishit, “Portland and Beyond – Opportunities for Leadership and Impact.” The speech will address what opportunities exist for all of us to lead and positively impact the greater Jewish community.
For more information on Mr. Savitsky’s visit contact Rabbi Bini Maryles, Director of Synagogue Services at 212-613-8226.