Statement Of The OU On New Agriprocessors CEO

18 Sep 2008

The Orthodox Union welcomes the appointment of Bernard S. Feldman as the new CEO at Agriprocessors. Mr. Feldman is an experienced corporate attorney with a track record of turning companies around. He is an independent professional who is committed to moving the company forward in the right direction.

The Orthodox Union looks forward to working closely with Mr. Feldman as he faces the challenge of restoring full production at Agriprocessors and putting the right management team in place to safeguard the company’s important role in serving the kosher community. This team already includes James Martin, former United States Attorney in St. Louis, as compliance officer.

There is now a foundation in place for restoring confidence in Agriprocessors and its mission of providing reasonably priced kosher meat to Jewish communities throughout the country. We urge all interested parties to support Mr. Feldman’s efforts to restore and upgrade the company’s important role in Jewish life in the United States.

The Orthodox Union wishes Mr. Feldman well in his new position as the CEO of Agriprocessors and looks forward to working with him to create a company in which management, the kosher consumer and the Jewish community as a whole can take pride.

Rabbi Menachem Genack

Kashrut Division
Orthodox Union