The Orthodox Union’s former President and Chairman of the Board Stephen J. Savitsky will be scholar in residence at the Etz Chaim Synagogue from Friday January 16 to Saturday, January 17, Shabbat Parshat Vaera.
The OU-member synagogue is located at 10167 San Jose Boulevard.
On Friday late afternoon Mr. Savitsky will be giving a talk between Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv Services. Later in the evening there will be an oneg at the mara d’atra Rabbi Yaakov and Henny Fisch. Saturday morning Mr. Savitsky will deliver his sermon during the service on the topic “The OU: A Lot More than Just Oreo Cookies?” Following the lunch for registered guests at the synagogue, he will speak on “God is Calling: Please Turn On Your Cell Phone.”Later in the afternoon before Mincha he will be lecturing on “Why I am So Proud to be a Torah Jew.”