If the current recession is a wave, the Association for Jewish Outreach Programs (AJOP) is learning to surf. At AJOP’s 21st Annual International Convention, trendsetters in the field of Jewish outreach will explore the topic of the day: “How to Do More with Less: Riding the Wave Instead of Fighting the Tide.” Among the leaders chosen to present at the convention are two Orthodox Union senior professionals— Rabbi Steven Burg, International Director of NCSY/ Director of OU Program Development and Rabbi David Felsenthal, Director of OU Alumni Connections.
The convention will take place at the Hilton Newark Airport in Elizabeth, NJ, February 14-16.
AJOP is an umbrella organization, which provides the resources and training necessary to reach out to Jews around the world. OU-NCSY has been one of AJOP’s supporting organizations since its inception, 21 years ago. Rabbi Felsenthal currently serves on their board.
Rabbi Felsenthal, known at the OU as Rabbi Dave, will speak at two sessions, which are aimed at Jewish outreach professionals working on college campuses. At the first he will speak on the topic, “The Keys to the Treasure: Connecting NCSY’s High School Graduates to Your Campus Program.” At the second session, he will share successful models of student activism on campuses in a lecture entitled “A New Wave of Student Activism: Featuring ‘Hart to Hart.’”
Rabbi Burg will speak at an advanced session for executive directors of Jewish outreach organizations. The theme of this lecture will be “Advanced Strategies to Help Your Organization Thrive in Times of Crises.”