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Rabbi Weil Visits South Florida Yeshiva High Schools in Preparation for Rosh Hashana

28 Aug 2013


As part of an official OU visit to South Florida, Rabbi Steven Weil, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union, will visit two yeshiva high schools in preparation for Rosh Hashana, addressing the meanings and relevance of the fast-approaching High Holy Days. He will speak at Weinbaum Yeshiva High School (WYHS) in Boca Raton, and Scheck Hillel Community School in North Miami Beach.

Rosh Hashana begins sundown of Wednesday, September 4.

“We are honored to have Rabbi Steven Weil address the student body of Weinbaum Yeshiva High School in preparation for the Yomim Noraim,” said Shira Englander, program director at WYHS. “His insight and breadth of knowledge is truly remarkable. We hope that his words of inspiration will infuse our Elul season with meaning and purpose.”

Rosh Beit Midrash at the Hillel Community School Rabbi Uri Pilichowski noted, “We invited Rabbi Weil to speak to our students before Rosh Hashana in order to inspire our students before these auspicious days. Rabbi Weil’s unique style of charging his listeners to greater heights fits perfectly with the mission of The Scheck Hillel Community School, where students strive to better themselves and their community. It is an honor to have Rabbi Weil address our students and we are proud that the Orthodox Union’s great outreach has extended to our campus.”

For several years, Rabbi Weil has led an “I Wish I Understood Everything I Was Saying” service within his home community of Teaneck, NJ, in addition to a series during Elul in preparation for the High Holy Days. He has been praised by a rabbinical colleague, noting his “unique ability to relate the prayer service to contemporary issues in society. He remains committed to the traditional and sacred liturgy while simultaneously zeroing in on the most relevant challenges confronting modern man.”