Rabbi Korobkin to be December 10-11 BIAV OU Scholar-in-Residence

23 Nov 2010


The Orthodox Union’s Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, National Consultant of Synagogue Services, will be Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat Parshat Vayigash, December 10-11, at Congregation Beth Israel Abraham Voliner (BIAV), 9900 Antioch Road in Overland Park.

Rabbi Korobkin will speak on “Afterlife in the Bible” on Friday night as part of a special dinner at the synagogue in conjunction with the Shabbaton. He will also discuss “Feminization of the Jewish Male in Kabbalah” during seudah shlishit (third meal on Saturday afternoon) at BIAV. Rabbi Korobkin will also present a melava malka shuir (Saturday night festivities) at 9:30 p.m. at a private home on “The Story of the Kuzzars and Its Effect on Modern Israel.”

Declared Rabbi Daniel Rockoff, rabbi of the BIAV synagogue, “Our community is thrilled to host Rabbi Korobkin as our Scholar-in-Residence in conjunction with our OU Shabbaton weekend with Synagogue Services. As a longtime and involved OU member synagogue, we are looking forward to learning from Rabbi Korobkin as well as to benefiting from the OU’s expertise in helping us work towards being the best shul we can be.”

Rabbi Korobkin served as Director of Community Services for the West Coast Region of the OU and travelled around the West Coast as scholar-in-residence. He is Rosh Kehilla (spiritual community leader) of Yavneh, a modern Orthodox community and yeshiva/day school campus in Los Angeles, where he lectures and writes on Jewish philosophy and other Jewish topics of interest. Rabbi Korobkin is a doctoral candidate in Medieval Jewish studies, at UCLA’s Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures.

Joining the Shabbaton from the OU team will be Laya Pelzner, Associate Director of the Karasick Department of Synagogue Services and Penny Pazornick, Director of Youth Services for Synagogue Services.

To register for the Friday night dinner and for more information, contact (913) 341-2444.

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