Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, Director of the Los Angeles-based West Coast Region of the Orthodox Union, which covers the West Coast of the United States and Canada, will travel to Edmonton for the July 4th weekend. He is forgoing the American scene of fireworks and family barbeques to deliver a series of talks at Beth Israel Congregation in what Rabbi Daniel Friedman is billing as Beth Israel’s “American Shabbat.”
On Friday evening, Rabbi Kalinsky will deliver a shiur (Torah lecture), “Mah Tovu Ohalecha Yakov” or, “How Goodly are thy Tents O Israel.” The speech will cover the OU response to challenges facing the Jewish family.
On July 4, Shabbat morning, in honor of America’s Independence Day, Rabbi Kalinsky will speak about his military experience, delivering a talk entitled, “Did You Really Serve as a Rabbi /Chaplain in the United States Air Force? What’s a Nice Jewish Boy Like You Doing in the Military?”
Finally, on Shabbat afternoon, Rabbi Kalinsky will speak on “Those who Mourn the Destruction of the Bais Hamikdash (the Holy Temple) Will Merit to See It Rebuilt.”