Rabbi Weil to Present OU Community Weekend at Toronto’s Shaarei Shomayim, April 5

25 Mar 2014


Orthodox Union Executive Vice President Rabbi Steven Weil will be scholar in residence at Toronto’s Shaarei Shomayim Congregation on Saturday, April 5 (Shabbat Parshat Metzora). The OU member synagogue is located at 470 Glencairn Avenue.

Rabbi Weil’s appearance in Toronto is in conjunction with the Citywide Pre-Pesach Inspirational Shabbat with OU leaders celebrating NCSY’s 60th anniversary.

On Shabbat morning Rabbi Weil will deliver his sermon on the topic “Spiritual Red Lines.” In the afternoon before mincha, he will be giving a presentation on “Anatomy of the World’s First BDS Movement.” During seudat shlishit he will be giving a talk on “Educational Priorities: Different Strokes for Different Folks.”

Said Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, “Shaarei Shomayim is excited to welcome Rabbi Steven Weil. Rabbi Weil is a dynamic and inspiring speaker and teacher.  We look forward to interacting with Rabbi Weil over Shabbat and gaining insight from his leadership and expertise as the leader of one of the most important Jewish organizations in North America.”