Rabbi Steven Weil, senior managing director at theOrthodox Union, will present an OU Community Weekend at Congregation Bais Torah in Suffern from Friday, September 12 to Saturday, September 13 (Shabbat Parshat Ki Tetzei).
Led by Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb, the OU member synagogue is located at 89 West Carlton Road.
Friday night, Rabbi Weil will speak after mincha on “The Reenactment of the Covenant.” He will give the Shabbat morning drasha on “The State of Marriage and the Family in the Orthodox Community.” In the afternoon Rabbi Weil will be giving a lecture on “The Fascinating World of the Rosh Hashanah Machzor.” At seudat shlishit after mincha, Rabbi Weil discuss on “What is the Akeidah Doing in the Machzor?” On Motza’ei Shabbat Rabbi Weil will culminate the weekend with his final lecture on “After The Apocalypse : The Orthodox Response To Jewish Assimilation in America.”
“As a proud OU member synagogue, Congregation Bais Torah is always happy to partner with the Orthodox Union in bringing great programming and enriching educational opportunities to our shul and community,” said Rabbi Gottlieb. “Rabbi Steven Weil’s upcoming OU Community Weekend will present our membership the valuable opportunity to assess many of the major issues confronting American Orthodoxy in the 21st century through the lens of one of the leading lights of the Modern Orthodox world. We look forward to hosting Rabbi Weil in our community.”