Orthodox Union Executive Vice President Rabbi Steven Weil will be scholar in residence at the Boca Raton Synagogue on Saturday, March 29 (Parshat Tazria, Shabbat Hachodesh).
The OU member synagogue is located at 7900 Montoya Circle.
On Shabbat morning Rabbi Weil will deliver his sermon on the topic “Not All is Lost.” In the afternoon, he will be giving a presentation on “Anatomy of the World’s First BDS Movement.” During seudat shlishit he will be giving a talk on “A Disingenuous Invitation.”
Said Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Senior Rabbi of Boca Raton Synagogue, “We are very excited to host Rabbi Weil and celebrate our partnership with the OU. Rabbi Weil is an erudite talmud chacham (Torah scholar) and compelling speaker who serves as an outstanding spokesperson for our community’s values and vision.”