Our Way, the Orthodox Union’s program for the deaf and hard of hearing, will hold a Shabbaton in Norfolk the weekend of February 19-20, at Congregation B’nai Israel.
Our Way is dedicated to providing resources, services, and social programming for the Jewish deaf and hard of hearing.
The Shabbaton will include three meals and snacks; a Beginners Minyan; child care; and a Saturday night activity, viewing the film “Ingelore: a Deaf Woman’s Escape from the Holocaust.” It will also feature two distinguished speakers, Rabbi David Kastor as Deaf Torah Scholar-in-Residence and Dr. Tovah Wax, Deaf Guest Speaker.
Rabbi Kastor received rabbinical ordination from Ner Israel in Baltimore, MD, and is married to a deaf woman, Tchia. He founded the Ahavas Israel School for the Deaf in Frederick, MD and taught there for two years. He has been the Our Way Regional Representative of Maryland for almost 18 years.
Tovah Wax, Ph.D., LCSW, is currently the psychology consultant for the Raleigh office of Disability Determination Services. She was also the coordinator of mental health services to deaf and hard of hearing persons in Washington State.
Rabbi Eliezer Lederfeind, Director of Our Way, declared, “The upcoming Our Way Shabbaton will provide an invaluable experience for the Jewish deaf and hard of hearing. People are travelling from all near and far to attend, and I’m very excited to be able to participate in what will be a wonderful weekend for all.”
The cost of the Shabbaton is $35 per person, with scholarships available. Discounts are also available for families. For more information or to register for the Shabbaton, contact 212-613-8234 or ourway@ou.org.