Our Way PowerPoint for Purim is Back

27 Feb 2012


Our Way, the Orthodox Union’s program for the deaf and hard of hearing, presents its eighth annual PowerPoint presentation of Megillat Esther for Purim, which falls on Thursday, March 8 this year, with the Megillah being read Wednesday night, March 7 as well.

Our Way of Yachad | Jewish Disabilities Inclusion/National Jewish Council for Disabilities (NJCD) is dedicated to providing resources, services, and social programming for the Jewish deaf and hard of hearing.

Batya Jacob, Program Director of Our Way, declared, “Once again Our Way/NJCD is presenting the Megillat Esther PowerPoint for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. This engaging program, with Hebrew and English side-by-side, used in conjunction with the Megillah reading in synagogue, allows individuals with hearing challenges, visual challenges, attention deficits, and the elderly, to easily participate in their communities’ celebration of the holiday of Purim. This year, we have close to 200 synagogues using the program in North America; as well as a synagogue in London, England for the first time, as we are branching out to communities overseas in England, Australia, and Israel.”

All a synagogue needs is a laptop with a projector and a screen where the disc is shown. The mouse of the computer serves as the place keeper on the screen. Graphics are included, along with an option for synagogues to insert their own graphics to accompany the Purim story, allowing for an even more interactive experience.

The software is available for $100. To order a copy or for more information, contact Batya Jacob at 212-613-8127 or {encode=”mailto:batyaj@ou.org” title=”batyaj@ou.org”}.

OU | Enhancing Jewish Life