Yachad/NJCD is an agency of the Orthodox Union that provides educational and social inclusion programs through its two major components, Yachad, for children and adults with learning and developmental disabilities, and Our Way, for the deaf and hard of hearing.
The Shabbat will feature interpreted services with the synagogue, a beginner’s minyan, child care, and various sessions which will give participants the opportunity to join together with other Jewish deaf and learn about issues of Jewish concern.
Joining the Shabbaton participants will be Deaf Torah Scholars-in-Residence Samuel and Rochelle Landau; Deaf Host Sally Cohen; and Deaf Guest Speaker David Michalowski.
Mr. Landau works at P.S. 47, a school for deaf children, while Mrs. Landau and a degree in Special Education from New York University and a degree in Teaching American Sign Language from Columbia University, Teacher’s College. The couple coordinate the Jewish Deaf Singles Registry, and are actively involved in Our Way. They will speak about Israel.
Ms. Cohen, along with her husband Joel, have been involved with Jewish and deaf programs that provide services within New Jersey,
Mr. Michalowski is president of DM Multimedia, which specializes in graphic design, and will be joining the Shabbaton along with his wife Sheryl and their children. He will speak on “Israel: Myth or Fact.”
The cost of the Shabbaton is $35 per person. Checks are payable to Sally Cohen, 5 Terry Terrace, Livingston, NJ 07039. To register or for more info, contact Rabbi Eliezer Lederfeind at ourway@ou.org or 212-613-8234.