The West Coast Region of the Orthodox Union will present a legal conference on Sunday, May 17, from 12:00-3:00 pm., at OU Headquarters. The conference’s topic will be “Jewish Law and Crime: Informing on Criminals, Prosecuting Criminals, Suing Criminals, and Defending Criminals,” and will be presented by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde. Lawyers who attend will receive continuing legal education, or MCLE, credit.
Rabbi Broyde is well-suited to deliver a legal lecture. He is a Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law; the Academic Director of the Law and Religion Program at the university; and Dayan (judge in Jewish law) in the Beth Din of America. He is also the founding rabbi of the Young Israel of Atlanta.
Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, Director of the West Coast Region, declared, “Our Region has held legal conferences for many years. The impetus came from many attorneys who support our organization and felt that there was a critical need for us to provide educational programs that touched upon Jewish issues and also qualify for MCLE credits. The conference is also open to the general public.”
The conference is made possible by the sponsorship of Allan N. Lowy, Esq., of Akerman Senterfitt, LLP, and The Legal Division of the Jewish Federation.
Pre-registration is required. The cost is $85 for the three-hour course, and includes purchase of Rabbi Broyde’s newest book, “The Pursuit of Justice and Jewish Law,” as well as lunch. Those interested in attending are asked to register by April 20.
Checks should be made payable to: Orthodox Union, 9831 W. Pico Blvd. LA 90035.
To register and for more information, contact